Coffee Makers with Grinder Gear Moto
To every coffee lover, a coffee maker is a necessary appliance. Thanks to the development of technology, people now have wide choices of their coffee machines to satisfy different tastes. Gear motors of coffee grinder can control the speed and heat of the grinder to achieve the different fineness of the coffee powder. When looking for a coffee grinding machine, you may come across grinders that operate at varying RPMs. High-Speed Gear Motor for Gear Reduction Coffee Grinder A gear reduction coffee grinder is always a good choice because it is fast and durable at the same time. It fits with motors with the highest RPMs, which enable to mill coffee beans in a very short amount of time. However, high heat caused by high-speed running could change the flavor of coffee beans. Therefore, to remain the flavor intact, a set of gearbox attached to the high-speed motor to reduces the speed of burrs. Although the grinder demands a high speed, ZHAOWEI uses the DC motor instead of using the AC moto